Your mindset coach at unlock wealth consulting
Showing you how to obtain the lifestyle and goals you want in life !
Success/Wealth Coaching
Love your career but just want to feel better about life and get better results?

Learn of the struggles that Chad overcame due to alcohol that made him make bad choices early on in life but is now one of his greatest assets

Helping You Achieve Success
Unlock Your Potential
The average human being has a secret genie that’s locked up inside of them but they have no way of using it, because no one’s ever showed them and they have never taken the time or had interest to ask and it’s so simple.
Success is not a secret but a system
You need a Success Coach
What qualifies Chad?
I have always been curious about success and how to attain it. I’ve been an entrepreneur in some capacity since high school where I sold cinnamon toothpicks to my classmates. I sold golf balls, coffee and cookies on the golf course. I spray painted address numbers on the curbs in front of homes. I had a paper route and worked odd jobs until starting a successful car wash but years after my life changed when I met Bob Proctor. I studied all the personal development and success material and then applied them in my life , I am a consultant for Bob Proctor and a published author and I have help hundreds of people achieve their Goals and financial success by changing the way they think and act toward life and success.

Watch the video above of my mentor Bob Proctor, The program was like getting the meat and potatoes and the how too on the law of attraction and how our mind works

Watch the video above of my mentor Bob Proctor, The program was like getting the meat and potatoes and the how too on the law of attraction and how our mind works

If you’re the person who has always been thinking that there has got to be more to life than just existing and getting by, believe me there is. I always wondered how others got in their life what I always wanted to experience and a few years ago I finally did and one of my biggest mentors who helped me achieve that was Bob Proctor.
When I found Bob it was like finding the lid to a puzzle box of self help programs and books that I had been reviewing for a long time. He taught me about the mind and how the law of attraction works; and finally all the other information I had studied made sense and my life changed. I will be forever grateful.
Here are some Testimonials
I went through thinking into results with Chad and my life completely changed, my business sky rocketed and my home life became so much better, I also went to a few live events with Chad and saw Bob in person
I want to thank you for your great training in the course , Thinking Into Results.The principles you shared made a huge difference in my life.
I improved my self image and had an amazing breakthrough in my business.
I highly recommend this course to everybody who wants to improve their results.
I had been curious as to what Chad was involved in when he first approached me but I was skeptical on the program and when I finally did it much to my surprise my life took off quick, I was doing things that I had procrastinated on for years, Finally finding why I had been doing the things I didn’t really want to all those years, Huge game changer for me